
icon prompt

Automatically enrich the first prompt for conversational AI, using demographics derived from voice, to improve Virtual and AI Voice Agent outcomes


The key to making any generative AI effective is to feed it context about the human it is interacting with. Does it know its audience?


Using a straight-forward API integration, VoxEQ’s Prompt service can accelerate conversational AI-powered calls by helping guide the LLM on the proper customer path by feeding it demographic information with only a few seconds of voice.

Obtaining caller demographics, in a friction-free and privacy preserving manner, improves the relevancy of responses, speed of resolutions and overall acceptance and adoption for AI Voice Agent, Chatbot, and Conversational AI providers in any industry.

Key Features

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Real Time

Within seconds, enrich LLM prompts with demographic data about the person behind the voice making the query

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Proprietary Models

Prompt from VoxEQ is powered by AI models that are custom built to analyze voice. Unlike others, we do not license or use publicly available AI models that can be spoofed - and are the first of its kind to deliver insights of person behind the voice

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Language Agnostic

Because VoxEQ's Persona listens for anatomical and physiological traits revealed through voice, our capabilities can be deployed world-wide and in any language. No special phrases or transcribing required

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Seamless Integration

Easy API integration and Cloud-based deployments make for implementation friction-free

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Privacy Preserving

No data sharing required to deliver reliable, relevant and timely information about the speaker

We ensure our models are trained in a manner that reduces bias; we don’t allow our models to be used in applications that may perpetuate bias or discrimination

How Prompt Works


Speaker queries an AI Voice Agent, Conversational AI or Chatbot

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Prompt listens to query

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VoxEQ's Prompt product appends the LLM prompt, in real time, with a short phrase that helps the prompt hone in on the most appropriate reply to the query (e.g. "I'm a millennial female")

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The speaker making the query get a highly relevant response


A few of our most common question but please reach out for more detail. 

  • How much does Prompt improve voice interaction with AI agents?
  • Does Prompt really improve the quality of conversational AI responses?