Product Guide

VoxEQ Solution Suite

Empower, enable and protect human interactions with our distinctive AI applications

VoxEQ offers world class and proprietary artificial intelligence tools to understand the person behind the voice – with extremely high accuracy - to better address expensive and complex business and security challenges, in a privacy protected manner.


Multi-Factor, Voice-Based 3rd Party Impersonation Fraud and Synthetic (Deep-Fake) Identification for Customer Care Centers, In-house or Business Process Outsourcers for Financial Institutions, Insurers and other fraud targets

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Voice-Based Customer Segmentation and Demographic Insights of Unknown Callers for Commerce Enablement via Customer Care Centers, Work Force Management and Dynamic Script/Coaching providers

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Enrich LLM Prompts with caller/audience demographics to make AI voice agents smarter and optimize conversational AI outcomes in any industry

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VoxEQ is sensitive to the privacy and fairness concerns of all who interact with our software and models. We don’t collect more data than we need to get the most accurate results from our models; we store and cross- index data responsibly; we ensure our models are trained in a manner that reduces bias; we don’t allow our models to be used in applications that may perpetuate bias or discrimination.

– Jack Caven, CEO, VoxEQ

The top 10 banks receive 44 Million calls a day, 29,000 will turn out to be fraud
VoxEQ's Verify offers the markets most accurate fraud prevention tools and defends against synthetics and other deep fakes
VoxEQ's Persona presents the most advanced demographics-from-voice capabilities for sales, marketing, call center agents and voicebots. Informs predictive agent routing, coaching and scripting - enabling and unlocking upselling and cross-selling opportunities
VoxEQ is sensitive to the privacy and fairness concerns of all who interact with our software and models. We don’t collect more data than we need to get the most accurate results from our models; we store and cross-index data responsibly
We ensure our models are trained in a manner that reduces bias; we don’t allow our models to be used in applications that may perpetuate bias or discrimination
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