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AI solutions for imposter-fraud risk detection in a frictionless, cost effective, and privacy preserving approach


 As account takeover, Identity theft and fraud proliferate in critical sectors, existing solutions are not keeping pace with the tools, tactics, and traits of bad actors. VoxEQ reduces Account Takeover (ATO) and fraud incidents, false positive rates, and agent time per call for Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Customer Care Call Centers, and the Business Process Outsourcers that serve them.

Key Features


No Enrollment

Works day one by supporting identity verification without enrolled voiceprints. Know about your caller on the very first interaction

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Differentiated AI

Among other things, our advanced AI models deploy a high dimensional vector to hone in on a diverse set of traits that reveal identifiable characteristics about the voice. That, and other capabilities, make our system hard to deceive via impersonation, human or synthetic

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Privacy Preserving

No data sharing required for VoxEQ to deliver reliable, relevant and timely information about the caller/speaker

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Real Time

Works with only a few seconds of voice. Five seconds of speech with insights before the sixth

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Cloud Native

Full suite of tools available on latest cloud integrations with leading cloud providers

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No Data Storage Required

No required voiceprint or caller insight storage needed. No risk of compromise from data breach or attacks


Regulatory Compliant

Serving banks and financial institutions. VoxEQ works without any data transfer or PII issues

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Easy Setup

Connect to an audio stream and get an immediate feed of caller insights from Verify

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Proprietary Models

Our AI models are custom built to analyze voice. Unlike others, we don't license or use publicly available AI models that can be spoofed. This means we are better able to stay ahead of bad actors


Language Agnostic

Because we are listening for the anatomical and physiological traits revealed through voice, our products work in any language and can be deployed anywhere in the world

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Review Archive of Past Calls

Sanity check that enrolled voices linked to accounts are not poisoned or assess quality of measures escalated suspected fraudsters

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Multi Factor

We deliver insights on a broad set of characteristics, above and beyond passwords and voiceprints, to defend against fraud - including gender, age and much more

How Verify Works

An inbound call is answered by the agent or IVR

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Via its API, VoxEQ analyzes the callers voice in the first seconds of the call

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In real time, VoxEQ's Verify provides multi-factor signals to inform fraud risk elevation

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Agent continues with caller confident that the voice is likely the account holder or moves the call through the fraud escalation process

VoxEQ's Verify offers the markets most accurate fraud prevention tools and defends against synthetics and other deep fakes
Since integrating Verify, we've seen a significant reduction in verification times and a marked improvement in accuracy. The automated system is incredibly user-friendly and seamlessly integrates with our existing platform
- Customer
We spend a lot of time talking to, and working with, large banks, insurers, online platforms, and others. They all have critical fraud and security issues and though there are products in market to help, many find that these products are not up to the task; too many false positives, too many false negatives, too opaque, too rigid in tuning for their specific business needs, or too large for the level of service or customization required. VoxEQ is different. Reach out for a demo, to discuss a pilot engagement or to learn more. - Jack Caven, CEO
Most of what people refer to as AI, is not AI. This s AI. - Genesys Financial Services Executive


A few of our most common question but please reach out for more detail. 

  • How is Verify different than Pindrop or Nuance?
  • Some others offering fraud prevention tools are expensive and so we use them sparingly. How do you compare on cost?
  • We’ve tried other solutions and found that we get too many false positive to handle without a mechanism to make adjustments How does Verify address this?
  • How much time does Verify need to assess the fraud risk of the call?
  • What do I get from Verify and how might I take action?
  • We are moving to cloud based services. What platforms are you on?
  • Can you help defend against synthetic or deep fake attackers ?